מחפש פרילנסרים ב- BI, Data Science, Big Data?

מאמרים בתחום BI, Data Science, Big Data

Visual Query and Exploration System for inspecting terror networks

I conducted this research during my master, it adopts Social Network Analysis as an approach to combat the global terrorism, this research is focused on developing effective visualization tools for query construction and advanced exploration of terror networks evolving over time in different places over the world, this research was funded by MAFAT the Directorate of Defense Research & Developme...

תוכנה לחיזוי רשימת קניות ע"פ הרגלי קנייה וBIG DATA

מאת: GM
את התוכנה כתבתי כפרוייקט סיום בקורס "שיטות בהנדסת תוכנה".

CRM Data Migration Checklist: Reasons and Nuances [2022 Update]

מאת: XB Software
There is a wide variety of custom CRM development services that can be given to a company in need. In today’s article, we will look at the advantages of the CRM data migration process and pinpoint some tips that you should pay attention to minimize the possible risks and help your business to thrive.

Rose Gold Taps | Rose Gold Bathroom Accessories - Fjord Bathrooms

מאת: Fjord Bathrooms
Explore online from our fashionable and durable range of rose gold taps, toilets, basins shower screen & accessories to complete rose gold bathroom theme.

11 Good Reasons -Why Should You Choose Symfony Development Services?

מאת: Dynamsoft
Symfony is number 1 choice for enterprise web applications. Here are some solid reasons that will make you ready to choose Symfony for your web and app development services requirement.

Big Data Analytics Solutions and Services for the Enterprise Resources

מאת: PixelCrayons
Big data is a term that describes the large volume of data – both structured and unstructured. Big data can be analyzed for insights that lead to better decisions and strategic business moves. In this blog, let us check out the benefits of big data analytics.

What is Data Vault Modeling and Why do we Need it?

מאת: PixelCrayons
Data vaults are becoming increasingly popular. Organizations are using them more and more because of their benefits. In this blog, let's check out in detail "Data Vault Modeling".

Big Data Architecture

מאת: פרילנסר
A while ago I entered the challenging world of Big Data. As an engineer, at first, I was not so impressed with this field. As time went by, I realised more and more, The technological challenges in this area are too great to master by one person. Just look at the picture in this articles, it only covers a small fraction of the technologies in the Big Data industry…

Thoughts about Product Management and Data Science

מאת: omer shechter
In the recent year's topics like data science, machine learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Predictive Analyzes gain much popularity, and probably each tech company is looking on what it can do in this area to be up to date. While trying to learn and adapt all these new fields, I would like to suggest and share a bit of different angle about some analogy between data science d...


מאת: Computools
Big Data investments in the InsurTech will reach $2.4 Billion. What benefits can the technology offer to startups and industry leaders?

Methods of Collecting Primary Data

MyAssignmentHelpAu offers remarkable my assignment help to the students. Our creative writers are the sunshine of our service. They always write useful, accurate and investigated information in the assignments.


מאת: Computools
How to choose and use proper cloud service to improve business.


מאת: Computools
Big data as a perfect tool for business and life metrics within incorporative solutions.

Big Data Analytics & Data Science Use Cases Or How Businesses Outperform Industries Using Big Data

מאת: Envion Software
Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Science - all these terms make a noise in the world! Here are a few examples to clarify the difference and avoid messing them up:

מתי נגייס חברת בינה עסקית לעזרתנו?

המאמר מפרט את תפקידיה של חברת בינה עסקית וכן את המקצועות הנדרשים על מנת לתת פתרון כולל לעסקים

Intelligent Process Management & Visualization Technologies

מאת: NooL
How process & data visualization tools can be combined and applied to various business domains in order to increase process awareness which will lead to intelligent process management.

Why Your Startup Should Be Using a Database as a Service

מאת: Almog
When you're a startup, the most precious thing to you is time so why would you burn that time up administering a database in the cloud? In this article for the Compose Write Stuff program, Almog Koren talks about his experience doing that and how much better working with a Database-as-a-Service has been.

Web Scraping, Data Extraction, Web Crawling

I provide low cost solutions for online product catalog extractions/data-mining, search results extraction, e-mail crawling and e-mail cleaning/validation. I already had success in extracting amazon product search results, ancestry, google and linked-in.

How simple MONITORING can help make MONEY?

מאת: Gala Analytics
In every kind of business, no matter if it’s tiny boutique or huge corporate, there are 4 main KPI’s that every little positive change in them will generate more “Money for Business”: LEADS CONVERSION ARPU FREQUENCY of RETURN

How simple MONITORING can help make MONEY?

מאת: Gala Analytics
In every kind of business, no matter if it’s tiny boutique or huge corporate, there are 4 main KPI’s that every little positive change in them will generate more “Money for Business”: leads conversion ARPU frequency of return
תוצאות 1 - 20
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